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Summer of the Dead by Julia Keller

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Summer of the Dead is Julia Keller's third Bell Elkins novel set in Akers Gap, West Virginia. Elkins is till the county prosecutor and still friends with Sheriff Nick Fogelsong, but her sister has come back home from prison and there is a killer stalking the town. “A literate, gritty, character-driven tale with another surprise ending.” ― Kirkus (starred). “Keller's insights into the vagaries of families provide a solid foundation as the character-driven Summer of the Dead delivers a plot rich with believable action and intriguing twists.” ― Associated Press. If you want more on the author's fascinating biography and accomplishments, check out the other Julia Keller books on this site.

New York: Monitaur/St. Martins, a 2015 paperback reprints of a 2014 release. 376 pages. Trade paperback.