This is the memoir of a woman who, at forty, is facing losing her job and her husband. She strikes up a friendship with a homeless, mentally-ill, veteran, Mot. This book dances around and confronts lots of issues that we all face perhaps only to lesser degrees: Am I taking this person on as a “project” bound to fail? How have I not noticed how privileged I am? Does seeing another’s obvious flaws make us aware of our problems which just haven’t manifested themselves as strongly? “Beautifully written, Mot vividly evokes quotidian parking lots, campgrounds, and scenery and explores complicated, omnipresent moral questions about what it means to give, take, offer, need, and befriend in a way that will make it a reference point for me for years to come.” - Zoe Zolbrod. “Mot is not a story of pat answers or happy endings. It is, ultimately, a passionate and moving argument for looking beyond the assumptions that blind us to the humanity of the Mots of this world.” - Maria Browning. The author, Sarah Einstein teaches creative writing at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Athens: The University of Georgia Press, a 2018 paperback edition of a 2015 release. 168 pages. Trade paperback.