This is one of the very most revered short story collections of our region. It is the only book ever published by Mildred Haun (1911-1966) yet this one book makes her oeuvre exceed that of almost all writers. Her mother as well as her father were Haun's, and she grew up in Hoot Owl Holler in Cocke County, Tennessee. She graduated from Vanderbilt, doing her senior thesis on the folk ballads of Cocke County, and studied at the Iowa Writers Workshop where arrangements were made to get this book published. She worked briefly as a book review editor for the Nashville Tennessean, and as an editorial assistant at the Sewanee Review where it is rumored that she suffered traumatic sexual harassment. The rest of her career she worked as a writer of government publications, first at the Arnold Engineering Works not far from Sewanee and then in other cities. No Appalachian short stories are more haunting or more revealing of the old fashioned mountain ways.
Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, a 1968 reprint of a 1940 release. 356 pages with an Introduction by Herschel Gower. Trade paperback.