Each year, the Ohio State University Press rewards one submission in this genre with their Non-Fiction Collection Prize. This book is the winner for 2016. All of these stories are set in the fictional Appalachian town of Conrad’s Fork, Kentucky, and all of the characters share the often found desire to leave their home town along with the also common desire to return once they leave. “It is hard to stop reading as Hensley unravels in masterful prose the ties that bind [the characters] to each other and home. Landfall is a beautiful book, and Julie Hensley is an immensely gifted writer to watch.” – Amy Greene. Julie Hensley, grew up in the Shenandoah Valley and now teaches for the Bluegrass Writers Studio, the low-residency MFA Program of Eastern Kentucky University.
Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2016. 213 pages. Trade paperback