In 1966, Michael Frome published Strangers in High Places: The Story of the Great Smoky Mountains. The 1994 expanded edition is still in print and still popular because so many amazing people and events have taken place in and around the Smokies. The first edition of this book, It Happened in the Great Smokies, came out in 2004. It has shorter essays and more illustrations, making it more accessible, less in depth, but still fascinating. Here you will find interesting characters ranging from Dolly Parton to Sequoyah, from botanist William Bartram to long-hunter Stuart Bradley, from T’Sali to Horace Kephart. This is Michael R. Bradley’s third book. He is a retired history professor who lives in Tullahoma, Tennessee, and has hiked and camped in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for almost sixty years.
Guilford, Connecticut: Globe Pequot, 2020. 192 pages with an Index, Bibliography, Map and graphics. Trade paperback.