This novel is set in the early 1970s when its protagonist, Laura Bauer, leaves college and her Atlanta home to work in the North Georgia Mountains with pregnant teenagers. She discovers that she, too, faces challenges and that her clients have given as much to her as she has to them. "I read When Nighttime Shadows Fall and was transported--first to the city where I was raised and, later, to the region where I began my career. Diane Michael Cantor's touching portrait of Lauren Bauer is a call for compassion and a reminder of how much most of us take for granted every day."--Allen Mendenhall. "I hope this book will be shared far and wide and expand the consciousness of those reading it.” – Janey Pease. The author, Diane Cantor, is an Atlanta native who lives in Savannah. This is her second novel.
Columbia: The University of South Carolina Press, 2017. 181 pages. Trade paperback