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55 Strong: Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike edited by Elizabeth Catte, Emily Hilliard, and Jessica Salfia

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There are 55 Counties in West Virginia, and teachers from all of West Virginia’s counties came together in a state-wide teacher’s strike in February of 2018.  They forced their state legislature to reverse course and give them a pay raise and more support for education. Not only that, but they inspired teachers in Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Arizona to strike as well. I am writing this on the last day of October in 2018. On November 6, in less than a week, the day of the mid-term elections, we will see what other ramifications there will be of this dramatic show of courage and solidarity in one of the states with the most backward political establishments. The co-editors of this inspiring book are Jessica Salfia, a West Virginia public school teacher, Emily Hilliard, a West Virginia-based folklorist, and Elizabeth Catte, author of What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia.

Cleveland, Ohio: Belt Publishing, 2018. 121 pages with lots of photos. Oversized trade paperback